
Marriage…..This is a topic that has so much to it that I will have to touch on different areas at different times, the bible has a lot to say on marriage and God’s design for it,  and I can’t possibly get it all into one blog post.

Matthew 19:6
Since they are no longer two but one, let no one separate them, for God has joined them together.”
Whoever said marriage was easy, is a liar! It takes work, its work I’m happy to do but its still work! I pray for my husband daily and most days at least twice a day. I do not pray to change him, however, I do ask God contiually to change me and to make me a more godly wife, to work to make my marriage what He wants and asks it to be.
I’m not saying my marriage is perfect because it isn’t and it’s not ever going to be,but, it IS pretty great.  Les and I have our fair share of disagreements and times when we don’t see eye to eye but we work hard to grow and learn from those times. We try to live our marriage with God in the center. We listen to Christian speakers, read christian based books on marriage,( Love & Respect is a great one) and we try to live by what the bible says about marriage. We try to put each others needs before our own, we try to speak to each other with respect and love, we try never to say things in anger ( Les is much better at this than I am, but I am getting better), this is just a few of the things that we do to keep our marriage strong and happy. Sometimes we really mess up and lose our tempers but we are determined to never give up on each other. We have gone through some rough patches, but because of all the things we’ve learned we came out the other side shining! We have to be patient with each other and allow for each others faults because none of us are perfect! We can thank Adam and Eve for that!
Colossians 3:13 “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”
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2 Responses to Marriage

  1. Teresa Moran says:

    Jeff and I took the love & respect class Brenda taught let me just say EVERYONE should, that book is amazing we still have spats I think every marriage does but boy did it teach us a lot, now we can see it coming and make each other laugh by asking which one of us drug the marry go round out and we jump off really helps :)

    • akchristianwife says:

      We took Brenda’s class too and it changed our marraige! Les and I both reccommend it all the time.

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